Major Pharmaceutical Retailer Antitrust Litigation
Doug Johnson is presently representing a major pharmacy retailer in a direct purchaser antitrust lawsuit against dozens of generic drug…
Superfund Environmental Litigation
Douglas Johnson and Carol Harding represented a waste hauler in Superfund litigation over the remediation of a municipal waste landfill….
Estate Litigation
Doug recently represented a client in litigation involving her parent’s estate, which involved the distribution of several million dollars in…
Nationwide Consumer Fraud Class Action
Doug represented a Fortune 50 medical device manufacturer sued in a nationwide, consumer fraud class action, regarding its optical products….
“Tying Arrangement” Antitrust Litigation
Doug represented a Fortune 50 pharmaceutical company in antitrust litigation against a competitor, suing over an allegedly illegal tying arrangement…
Corporate Shareholder Litigation
Doug recently represented the surviving shareholder of a medical practice in litigation brought by the widow of the other shareholder….
Business Purchase and Sales
Rich also represents clients on matters outside of the ordinary course of business. Rich has negotiated and drafted agreements to…
Business Agreements
Rich advises clients on a wide variety of business matters; while representing his clients zealously, Rich strives to maintain a…
Real Estate – Commercial Lease Negotiation
Rich drafts and negotiates a wide variety of commercial leases. He has been the landlord’s leasing attorney for a large…
Real Estate – Sale of Commercial Properties
Rich has helped clients navigate through the sale of commercial properties. These include the sale of a warehouse in Philadelphia…